Message adressé par S.A.S. le Prince Souverain au Président Georges W. Bush à la suite de sa réélection à la présidence des Etats Unis d'Amérique

  • N° journal 7678
  • Date de publication 19/11/2004
  • Qualité 95.53%
  • N° de page 1683
" Dear Mr. President,

In my own name and that of the Monegasque people, I send warmest congratulations on your recent
re-election as President of the United States of America.

The Principality of Monaco has always valued its close and cordial ties with the United States. In the international field, I wish to assure you that Monaco will continue to maintain these close ties by working together with the United States of America in several areas of common interest, most especially in the world-wide effort to eliminate the root causes of terrorism.

My Family joins Me in sending you, Mrs. Bush and your Family our prayers and personal warm best wishes as you continue to lead the American nation into the future. Sincerely,

Prince of Monaco ".
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