Message adressé par S.A.S. le Prince Souverain au Sénateur John Kerry, candidat démocrate à la présidence des Etats Unis d'Amérique

  • N° journal 7678
  • Date de publication 19/11/2004
  • Qualité 95.53%
  • N° de page 1683
" Dear Senator Kerry,

The recent Presidential election of the United States of America was a noteworthy example of democracy in action. If effect, the U.S. election process was a model to be followed by all nations working to promote liberty and democracy in today's world.

I write to let you know how impressed I was with the statesmanlike manner in which you conducted your campaign - from start to finish. Your gracious concession speech in Boston earlier this month was a demonstration to the world of American democracy in action. You can certainly be proud of having waged a vigorous, fair and forceful campaign over the past year.

With warm best wishes, I remain, sincerely,

Prince of Monaco ".
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