Déplacement de S.A.S. le Prince Albert II à Bonn - World Alliance for Efficient Solutions (14 novembre 2017)

  • N° journal 8452
  • Date de publication 20/09/2019
  • Qualité 100%
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S.A.S. le Prince Albert II se rend à Bonn le 14 novembre 2017 pour assister à la première assemblée générale de World Alliance for Efficient Solutions, organisée en marge de la 23e conférence des Nations Unies sur le climat (COP23).
L'initiative World Alliance for Efficient Solutions, lancée par M. Bertrand Piccard, fondateur  du projet Solar Impulse, a pour objectif de trouver un millier de solutions rentables pour protéger l'environnement et les proposer aux décideurs.
Le 14 novembre 2017 à 16 h 50, l'avion princier se pose à l'aéroport de Cologne-Bonn. S.A.S. le Prince est accompagné de S.E. M. Bernard Fautrier, ministre plénipotentiaire, vice-président et administrateur délégué de la Fondation Prince Albert II, Mme Marie-Pierre Gramaglia, conseiller de gouvernement-ministre de l'Équipement, de l'Environnement et de l'Urbanisme, et du lieutenant-colonel Jean-Luc Carcenac, Son aide de camp. Il est accueilli par S.E. Mme Isabelle Berro-Amadei, ambassadeur de Monaco en Allemagne.
Le Souverain rejoint l'assemblée générale de World Alliance for Efficient Solutions, où Il est accueilli par M. Bertrand Piccard. Sont notamment présents Mme Patricia Espinosa, secrétaire exécutive de la convention-cadre des Nations Unies sur les changements climatiques, M. Rick Perry, secrétaire américain à l'Énergie, M. Rafael Pacchiano Alaman, secrétaire mexicain à l'Environnement et aux Ressources naturelles, M. Éric Solheim, directeur exécutif du programme des Nations Unies pour l'Environnement (PNUE), M. Maros Sefcovic, vice-président de la Commission européenne chargé de l'Union énergétique, M. Miguel Aria Canete, commissaire européen au Climat et à l'Énergie, et Mme Anne Hildalgo, maire de Paris.
Suite aux discours d'ouverture de M. Bertrand Piccard et Mme Patricia Espinosa, S.A.S. le Prince prend la parole :
« Dear Bertrand Piccard,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Dear Friends,
I am delighted to be here with you today for the launch of the World Alliance for Efficient Solutions.
It gives me particular pleasure to support Bertrand Piccard in this new venture, 18 months after the completion of Solar Impulse project, which brought us together on so many occasions during the course of its magnificent voyage. This was often in Monaco, where the Solar Impulse Control Centre was located, but in many other parts of the world too, up to the final landing in Abu Dhabi.
Now we come again together again for a new phase, a new adventure!
As it is always the case with you, my dear Bertrand, this is all about taking action. That may sound trite; but it is crucial.
At a time when our world is facing unprecedented threats caused by our development model, and above all at a time when we both know the nature of the dangers and the possible solutions to addressing them; taking action is indeed our only chance.
This is the reason why, people like you, who never lose their appetite for action, are so valuable. Those who, having understood the ″why″, immediately throw themselves into the ″how″. Those who, having achieved the impossible, then seek to go further still. Those who persist in thinking that we can change things.
That is what matters today: changing things. As you did, with André Borschberg, when you completed a round-the-world trip using only solar energy.
The Solar Impulse project was not about a one-off innovation, it was really about opening a door to the future. It was about making it possible for humankind to construct a different world, a different economic rationale, for a different way of life.
Solar Impulse was not simply a form of transport; it was the laying of the first stone in a new development model.
Today, you are offering an additional tool to help in bringing this about. By uniting the world's stakeholders in the clean technology sector, who are too often weakened through fragmentation, by sharing ideas on solutions, by promoting their work, you equip yourself, and you equip them, with the means of moving forward more quickly and more effectively.
By working collectively, you make it possible for these ideas to change the world more quickly.
I believe these principles to be essential. They link up with the principles that I, together with my Foundation, have been putting into practice for more than ten years.
Because collective action is the only way for truly efficient and sustainable solutions to emerge, solutions based on use and practicality, based on needs and on peoples' real lives and not on abstract ideas, as nice and attractive as they may seem.
This is how we will build an economic logic based on carbon-free energies. A logic which not only benefits the environment but which is also synonym of development and progress, making it a true alternative.
A logic which we need now more than ever, urgently.
This is why the initiative you are launching today seems very important to me.
And that is why I felt it is important to be here with you today, to support the World Alliance.
I wish you every success! »
Des tables rondes se tiennent ensuite lieu sur le rôle de World Alliance for Efficient Solutions pour la construction d'un avenir durable et l'établissement de liens entre les innovateurs, les investisseurs et les chercheurs. Les statuts de World Alliance for Efficient Solutions sont adoptés par les membres puis le compte à rebours officiel du défi des « 1 000 solutions » est lancé. World Alliance for Efficient Solutions dispose d'une année pour sélectionner 1 000 propositions ou innovations visant à protéger l'environnement, afin de les présenter lors de la COP24, en décembre 2018 à Katowice. L'assemblée générale s'achève par un cocktail dînatoire, à l'issue duquel S.A.S. le Prince rejoint l'aéroport de Cologne-Bonn.

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